Novice Tips
If you’re planning to enter one or more ARA rallies this year you may find the following tips helpful.
Start here first:
Pick a rally (or several!) from the ARA Calendar found at americanrallyassociation.org/schedule
Get an idea of how the rallies are administered, which class your vehicle fits, and the mandatory vehicle and personal equipment safety standards by studying the ARA rule books.
Print out and read through of the ARA General Competition Rules (GCR), Rally Competition Rules (RCR), and either the Technical Rules (RTR)
All ARA rules and bulletins are found online at americanrallyassociation.org/rulesandbulletins
Apply for an ARA competition license at rallylicense.com
You may apply for an annual ($275) or a single-event license ($100). You will need to identify the date of the single event you plan to attend; a single, single-event license fee may be applied to an annual license.
Non-US competitors may either purchase an ARA annual license or purchase the single-event license. This doubles as the “permit to compete” noted in the rules.
You will have the opportunity to select a car number before purchasing the required ARA graphics package. The contact for car number reservations and a current list of reserved numbers is found at americanrallyassociation.org/carnumbers
Note: You must hold an ARA competition license to reserve a car number.
Order the mandatory graphics package for your car. Instructions and a link to the online vendor can be found at americanrallyassociation.org/visual-package
Please allow at least 2 weeks for the vendor to verify, print, and ship the order.
Review the Supplemental Regulations of your chosen event for particulars regarding the event itself; and the deadlines and prices for submitting entries.
Event Supplemental Regulations can be accessed through the individual websites of each event.
Now you're ready to enter a rally:
Access the event entry link
Be ready to supply your membership number (15XXXXXXXX) your co-driver info and the last 6 digits of the vin number you plan on racing.
Everyone on your service crew will need to purchase a Service Crew license, either for a single event or the full season: rallylicense.com
Preparing for your first event:
Once you have entered a rally, the entire team should spend time reviewing the ARA RCR, GCR, and RTR documents and the event Supplemental Regulations. You will need to know the specific requirements and operations procedures for the events at which you will be competing.
If you are a novice competitor, you will have to attend the novice briefing at the event. Info on where and when the novice meeting will be found in each event’s Supplemental Regulations.
Event specific questions should be directed towards the event organizers. Their contact information is found in the event Supplemental Regulations.
For specific ARA questions go to www.americanrallyassociation.org/contact
There you can find contact information for sanction, technical, media, and general ARA questions.
Review the ARA Contingency Programs available at americanrallyassociation.org/contingency