Media Information

Event Applications Open:
SnoDrift 1/1 to 2/2
100AW 1/1 to 3/9
Olympus 2/1 to 4/6
Oregon 3/1 to 5/11
Headwaters 3/1 to 5/11
SOFR 4/1 to 6/8
Once you submit your event application you can check your status at this link.
Closer to the event we will assign vest colors based on individual history.
ARA Drone Policy
Drone Usage: One must apply to be a drone operator at an ARA event. A complete application does not guarantee acceptance to be an operator. To be considered to operate a drone at an ARA event, you will need to submit the required information and follow these rules:
A copy of a valid FAA Drone Commercial Operator’s License must be provided to the ARA at least one week prior to the start of the event. Certificate must include your FAA number with proof of safety completion.
Minimum of $500,000 in Drone Liability Insurance. The United States Auto Club must be included as an additional insured and a copy of the insurance certificate must be provide to the ARA prior to the start of the event.
No use of smaller drones that do not need to be licensed are acceptable at ARA events.
A list of approved Drone pilots will be given to event officials, and a letter of approval will be given by the ARA to the drone pilot for approval of that event.
Anytime the drone is in the air, you CANNOT operate any other cameras or devices. Full attention must be given to operating the drone.
A drone may not be flown over crowds, spectator areas, or areas designated as “no fly” by the event.
A drone may not interfere with a competitor on stage, or event officials working the event, either on-stage or in public areas. You may pilot the drone above a car, but never in front of or in the vision of a moving competition or opening/sweep vehicle. Shots from above are acceptable.
If any event official determines you are out of compliance or being unsafe, you will be asked to land the drone and may be removed as media from the event.
If you do not have approval to use a drone at an ARA event, you will be removed from the event and fined $1,000. Your license will be revoked for the remainder of the year, and you will not be able to work as a media member for up to two years from the date of the incident.